Freewallet org is not free!

Freewallet org is known for scamming clients. Under the pretext of identification, scammers simply block and steal clients’ money. Hundreds of users have already lost their savings. But at the same time, the project administration spends a lot of money on advertising. Every day, custom reviews and articles appear in which the application is called very convenient, safe and, of course, completely free. Freewallet org is not a free wallet! Don’t fall for scammers!

Freewallet advertising is a scam

“Introducing our new media partner: CoinSpeaker,” “Freewallet is now the official wallet for KIN coin,” and “Freewallet featured in a Netflix show.” These headlines, found throughout Freewallet’s official blog, create the impression that major crypto platforms and digital projects endorse Freewallet. However, a closer look reveals a different story.

In reality, many large companies that list Freewallet among their recommended wallets or leave positive reviews are unaware of the numerous customers who have been scammed. Through interactions with various project teams, we discovered that the owners of Freewallet make significant efforts to win over other projects. However, they also meticulously conceal the fact that hundreds of users have left negative feedback and complaints.

Therefore, we urge representatives of crypto projects who have endorsed Freewallet to reconsider. Do not let scammers exploit your brand names to attract new victims. This situation could seriously damage your reputation.

Here is a review left by one of hundreds of victims. Freewallet org has blocked the client’s assets. The victim can only write complaints on websites and forums. Why do those who advertise this wallet forget to mention hundreds of similar stories? Why do seemingly neutral and independent crypto portals continue to advertise scammers?

Do not become complicit in the actions of Freewallet org!

Our organization, Stop Freewallet Fraud, is fighting against a wallet that has already robbed hundreds of clients. We are in touch with victims and law enforcement officers from different countries. All those involved in the theft of assets will be punished according to the law. Join our fight.

  • Contact us if you lost assets due to Freewallet scam. We will provide all possible legal and informational support.
  • Post reviews and complaints on sites and forums.
  • Prepare and send official victims statements to your local authorities.
  • Sign our petition, asking NFIB to investigate facts of Freewallet scam.

New app – same scam!

Realizing how bad the reputation of the Freewallet brand is, scammers launched a new project.

Recently an application called FRWT appeared on GooglePlay.

This is exactly the same scam! If you download the app and deposit coins, you will not be able to withdraw them. The administration will block your account and steal your assets.

If you use Google Play, make a complaint and ask the moderators to remove this application! Only by working together can we stop scammers!

Who’s involved in the Freewallet scam

Alvin Hagg, the co-founder and CEO of, has long shunned the spotlight. However, our recent investigation has unveiled a shocking truth: the real masterminds behind the Freewallet scam are two Russian immigrants, deeply involved in another fraudulent cryptocurrency venture, Cryptopay. Among them, Vasily Mesheryakov stands out as the primary PR manager orchestrating these scams.

Freewallet is promoted as a secure multi-currency wallet, but numerous reviews expose it as a major scam. Many users have lost their savings due to blocked or failed transactions. Similarly, Cryptopay, a payment and exchange service, entices victims with low fees, only for them to discover that they cannot withdraw their assets. Our findings reveal that both Freewallet and Cryptopay share the same ownership and employ identical fraudulent tactics.

Dmitry Gunyashov, another key figure, is believed to be at the helm of these operations, despite lacking experience in legitimate business management. His expertise lies in orchestrating scam operations while evading legal repercussions. The scheme is simple: clients create accounts, deposit funds, and then find their accounts blocked, leaving them unable to access their assets.

Mesheryakov’s role is critical in maintaining the façade of legitimacy through aggressive marketing and buying positive reviews. His activities extend beyond Cryptopay and Freewallet, involving other ventures like Dioram.

For more information on Vasily Mesheryakov and to find contact details, visit Join us in holding these scammers accountable and help bring justice to the victims of these fraudulent schemes. If you have any additional information, please contact us at [email protected].

Who’s involved in the Freewallet scam

Alvin Hagg, the co-founder and CEO of, has long shunned the spotlight. However, our recent investigation has unveiled a shocking truth: the real masterminds behind the Freewallet scam are two Russian immigrants, deeply involved in another fraudulent cryptocurrency venture, Cryptopay. Among them, Vasily Mesheryakov stands out as the primary PR manager orchestrating these scams.

Freewallet is promoted as a secure multi-currency wallet, but numerous reviews expose it as a major scam. Many users have lost their savings due to blocked or failed transactions. Similarly, Cryptopay, a payment and exchange service, entices victims with low fees, only for them to discover that they cannot withdraw their assets. Our findings reveal that both Freewallet and Cryptopay share the same ownership and employ identical fraudulent tactics.

Dmitry Gunyashov, another key figure, is believed to be at the helm of these operations, despite lacking experience in legitimate business management. His expertise lies in orchestrating scam operations while evading legal repercussions. The scheme is simple: clients create accounts, deposit funds, and then find their accounts blocked, leaving them unable to access their assets.

Mesheryakov’s role is critical in maintaining the façade of legitimacy through aggressive marketing and buying positive reviews. His activities extend beyond Cryptopay and Freewallet, involving other ventures like Dioram.

For more information on Vasily Mesheryakov and to find contact details, visit Join us in holding these scammers accountable and help bring justice to the victims of these fraudulent schemes. If you have any additional information, please contact us at [email protected].

The real faces behind Freewallet scam

Alvin Hagg, the co-founder and CEO of, has long shunned the spotlight. However, our recent investigation has unveiled a shocking truth: the real masterminds behind the Freewallet scam are two Russian immigrants, deeply involved in another fraudulent cryptocurrency venture, Cryptopay. Among them, Vasily Mesheryakov stands out as the primary PR manager orchestrating these scams.

Freewallet is promoted as a secure multi-currency wallet, but numerous reviews expose it as a major scam. Many users have lost their savings due to blocked or failed transactions. Similarly, Cryptopay, a payment and exchange service, entices victims with low fees, only for them to discover that they cannot withdraw their assets. Our findings reveal that both Freewallet and Cryptopay share the same ownership and employ identical fraudulent tactics.

Dmitry Gunyashov, another key figure, is believed to be at the helm of these operations, despite lacking experience in legitimate business management. His expertise lies in orchestrating scam operations while evading legal repercussions. The scheme is simple: clients create accounts, deposit funds, and then find their accounts blocked, leaving them unable to access their assets.

Mesheryakov’s role is critical in maintaining the façade of legitimacy through aggressive marketing and buying positive reviews. His activities extend beyond Cryptopay and Freewallet, involving other ventures like Dioram.

For more information on Vasily Mesheryakov and to find contact details, visit Join us in holding these scammers accountable and help bring justice to the victims of these fraudulent schemes. If you have any additional information, please contact us at [email protected].

The Real Faces Behind Freewallet’s Deception

Alvin Hagg, the co-founder and CEO of, has long shunned the spotlight. However, our recent investigation has unveiled a shocking truth: the real masterminds behind the Freewallet scam are two Russian immigrants, deeply involved in another fraudulent cryptocurrency venture, Cryptopay. Among them, Vasily Mesheryakov stands out as the primary PR manager orchestrating these scams.

Freewallet is promoted as a secure multi-currency wallet, but numerous reviews expose it as a major scam. Many users have lost their savings due to blocked or failed transactions. Similarly, Cryptopay, a payment and exchange service, entices victims with low fees, only for them to discover that they cannot withdraw their assets. Our findings reveal that both Freewallet and Cryptopay share the same ownership and employ identical fraudulent tactics.

Dmitry Gunyashov, another key figure, is believed to be at the helm of these operations, despite lacking experience in legitimate business management. His expertise lies in orchestrating scam operations while evading legal repercussions. The scheme is simple: clients create accounts, deposit funds, and then find their accounts blocked, leaving them unable to access their assets.

Mesheryakov’s role is critical in maintaining the façade of legitimacy through aggressive marketing and buying positive reviews. His activities extend beyond Cryptopay and Freewallet, involving other ventures like Dioram.

For more information on Vasily Mesheryakov and to find contact details, visit Join us in holding these scammers accountable and help bring justice to the victims of these fraudulent schemes. If you have any additional information, please contact us at [email protected].

Exposing Vasily Mesheryakov: the PR mastermind behind the Freewallet scam

Alvin Hagg, the co-founder and CEO of, has long shunned the spotlight. However, our recent investigation has unveiled a shocking truth: the real masterminds behind the Freewallet scam are two Russian immigrants, deeply involved in another fraudulent cryptocurrency venture, Cryptopay. Among them, Vasily Mesheryakov stands out as the primary PR manager orchestrating these scams.

Freewallet is promoted as a secure multi-currency wallet, but numerous reviews expose it as a major scam. Many users have lost their savings due to blocked or failed transactions. Similarly, Cryptopay, a payment and exchange service, entices victims with low fees, only for them to discover that they cannot withdraw their assets. Our findings reveal that both Freewallet and Cryptopay share the same ownership and employ identical fraudulent tactics.

Dmitry Gunyashov, another key figure, is believed to be at the helm of these operations, despite lacking experience in legitimate business management. His expertise lies in orchestrating scam operations while evading legal repercussions. The scheme is simple: clients create accounts, deposit funds, and then find their accounts blocked, leaving them unable to access their assets.

Mesheryakov’s role is critical in maintaining the façade of legitimacy through aggressive marketing and buying positive reviews. His activities extend beyond Cryptopay and Freewallet, involving other ventures like Dioram.

For more information on Vasily Mesheryakov and to find contact details, visit Join us in holding these scammers accountable and help bring justice to the victims of these fraudulent schemes. If you have any additional information, please contact us at [email protected].

Free wallet crypto scam: be careful!

We have prepared this material to warn novice crypto traders and investors about a serious threat. Today we will call it Free wallet crypto scam. Although it’s worth emphasizing right away: we’ll be talking directly about one of these fraudulent projects. Its name is Freewallet. To be more precise, we are talking about a crypto wallet. Its name is similar to the phrase Free wallet, which attracts newcomers. But in fact, the application was created by scammers and is known for stealing coins and tokens from customers.

Free wallet crypto scam: definition and methods

What do users usually do when they are planning to purchase or receive cryptocurrency for the first time? Of course, choose a wallet to store it. The choice is vast, and it can be difficult for a novice digital asset holder to know which app is best. Most users are not rich and do not want to spend extra interest on fees for transferring coins. Therefore, they search for applications using queries like “Free wallet crypto app” or “Bitcoin free wallet”. 

What does the search engine do after this? Most often, it redirects clients to the Freewallet org website. Here is a colorful description of the application of the same name, which allows you to accept, store and withdraw tokens and coins. In appearance, the wallet seems ideal: 

  • Low fees. 
  • Built-in cold storage. 
  • User-friendly interface. 
  • Built-in exchange. 
  • Supports hundreds of tokens and coins.

It is not surprising that people who are still poorly versed in crypto wallets install Freewallet. But if you read the reviews about the application more carefully, you will understand that this product was created by scammers to steal assets!

Freewallet KYC scam

Here is the opinion of one of the experienced specialists. This post describes well the scheme by which Freewallet crypto scammers steal coins. 

Imagine that you have installed this wallet. After which the assets were deposited, or another person transferred them to you. You are trying to withdraw cryptocurrency by exchanging it for fiat. But your wallet is suddenly blocked. You contact support, but they refuse to unblock your account. On the contrary, company employees require documents, personal data, bank statements and other private information from you. This is already quite suspicious. But the main thing is that even if you provide all the documents, the assets will remain frozen!

This method is called KYC fraud, its name comes from the KYC (know your client) procedure, that is, customer verification. Under the guise of KYC, Freewallet administration blocks wallets, after which it constantly rejects the user’s attempts to pass verification. Ultimately, most victims simply resign themselves to the impossibility of withdrawing coins.

Here is one such case. The client saw that his assets were frozen. He immediately reached out to the community. But it was already too late. The coins ended up in the hands of Free wallet crypto scammers!

Freewallet app reviews

If you take a closer look at customer opinions on different platforms, you will notice that hundreds of similar cases have occurred.

For example, this user lost almost $6,000. At the same time, the victim realized that this was a scam, since the support simply ignored the messages.

Of course, such reviews cannot be seen on the official pages of the wallet. There are posts of praise like “I was looking for a free wallet for crypto currencies. So I downloaded Freewallet and am very pleased, it is a convenient and secure application.” But such reviews are a lie! 

They are written by order of the administration. On independent platforms, such as Reddit, Quora, Bitcointalk, the attitude towards Freewallet is clear. This app has a very poor reputation. Here you can find dozens of stories written by victims!

Where to find a free wallet for crypto payments?

This question may be asked by those who have read our material. Let us note right away: we are not going to advertise any application. Today there are hundreds of them. And among them it is possible to choose a reliable, convenient and secure wallet. Of course, there are no absolutely free wallets. You will still have to pay fees to process the transaction on the blockchain. 

But finding a good app is real: 

  • Carefully read reviews on different sites. It’s better to look for opinions on independent platforms like Reddit. 
  • Pay attention not to advertising, but to customer complaints. If you see a lot of scam accusations, then the wallet has a bad reputation. 
  • Remember that scammers have enough money to order expensive advertising.

The main thing we wanted to say with this material: stay away from Freewallet scammers. Do not use this application, otherwise your coins will be stolen!

Free wallet crypto scam: can the victims get their assets back?

Another question worth discussing: what to do for those who have already transferred coins or tokens to their “free crypto wallet”. And his assets were blocked, or rather, stolen by scammers. Is there a chance to get them back? We are sure there is!

Regardless of the amount of damage, submit an official statement to law enforcement. Emphasize that you are accusing Freewallet crypto wallet of stealing your assets, or rather, of fraud. Also, do not be lazy to send complaints to the competent international structures (NFIB, ActionFraud, ICANN).

Help us to warn other users. Leave comments and publish posts in public pages and on various websites.

[email protected]

If you have lost money due to Freewallet crypto scammers, we will help you file a crime report for free and, at your request, make your case public. This will increase the chances of getting your coins back. 

Email [email protected] and share your story! We guarantee complete anonymity (if you wish). Free wallet crypto scam is effective just because many people don’t want to be active. If you don’t despair and fight, you can definitely achieve justice!

It’s time to stop Freewallet scammers!

We’ve written a lot about how Freewallet steals your savings and why it’s not a good or safe wallet. We are sure that our articles will help you make the right choice not to install this application. But despite the texts, Freewallet continues to steal coins from new clients. This can only be stopped by joint activity.
Send abuse to AppStore
Most users install Freewallet through the AppStore. As a result, scammers manage to rob new victims every day. Write a complaint demanding that all Freewallet assemblies be removed from the store website.
Please follow the next algorithm:

  1. Write the text of the complaint indicating how Freewallet app deceives users. You can write your own story, or take our sample
  2. Add to your text links to all Freewallet app builds
  3. Send abuses to App Store emails [email protected] and [email protected] (preferably sent to both addresses).
    The text of the complaint can be extremely short. Just write that you demand to remove Freewallet, since this wallet is engaged in scam (KYC fraud). If you have time and desire, you can describe your situation or a situation known to you. If not, you can limit yourself to a link to one of our materials. It will take no more than 10 minutes!
    Send abuse to CloudFlare and NameCheap
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    Write a short complaint and send it to these addresses. In the letter, indicate that you require the Freewallet org service to be blocked. Be sure to emphasize that this is a fraudulent project and provide screenshots, links, or other evidence to support your words!
    Contact us
    Freewallet scam is very dangerous, because owners of this app hide the facts of their fraud. Formally, the administration acts within the framework of its own established rules. That is, the Freewallet org website directly states the right of owners to block any wallet for an unlimited period and demand any documents. In such a situation, it is difficult to prove fraud. You definitely need the help of a lawyer.
    [email protected]
    Write to this address and we will:
    • Help you to collect and record evidence of fraud. In particular, our lawyer will assess the availability of correspondence, screenshots, give advice on how to get them if you did not have time to do so.
    • We will help you draw up a legally competent appeal to the police, court or prosecutor’s office to initiate a criminal case and return assets.
    • If necessary, we will provide informational support and make sure that as many people as possible know about each negative review.
    We do not provide any paid services and do not collect private information (passwords, wallet addresses, etc.). Our goal is to help Freewallet scam victims.
    Contact local authorities and send them official crime report.
    Full list of organisations in various countries is available here
    We recommend that you first contact us so that our lawyer can help you draw up a competent application. But even a short request with a call to investigate the actions of Freewallet and a link to our materials can help initiate the process of punishing scammers!

Never use Freewallet Bitcoin Gold crypto wallet!

Bitcoin Gold is one of the oldest, but not the most capitalized crypto currency. At the same time, many traders and investors simultaneously buy different assets, diversifying risks. If you have chosen Bitcoin Gold for this purpose, this may not be a bad idea. We will not evaluate the prospects of this currency. Let’s just say one thing: never use Freewallet Bitcoin Gold crypto wallet! This app is scamming clients!

What is Bitcoin Gold wallet by Freewallet?

According to the official website, in 2016, a group of programmers led by Alvin Hagg created a multi-currency application. Its name Freewallet hints at free transactions. The developers also claim that Freewallet Bitcoin Gold crypto wallet is safe, secure and reliable.

It’s all a lie. Under the guise of verification, the administration simply steals clients’ assets. Check out one of the examples.

One of the investors who invested in Monero wrote an angry review on Reddit. He accuses Freewallet of illegally blocking the account. The administration regularly does this, using KYC/AML policies as an excuse. But in fact we are talking about asset theft!

Never use Freewallet

As we said earlier, investing in Bitcoin Gold can bring profit. But only if you use a secure wallet. There are plenty of applications available online for storing and receiving assets. Never use Freewallet Bitcoin Gold wallet.

All the builds uploaded by these developers look convenient. But only until you receive a large transaction. Then the account is blocked, and support ignores requests. Bitcoin Gold on Freewallet is the worst idea! Never use this scam!

Freewallet on Reddit is known as a scam!

Freewallet, a cryptocurrency wallet service, has found itself embroiled in controversy on Reddit, where a vocal community of users accuses the platform of being a scam. At the same time administration pays for positive comments in which users tell that this service is good and reliable. But that’s a lie! Freewallet is scam and Reddit reviews just prove this fact!

Redditors claim that Freewallet engages in deceptive practices, such as high transaction fees, delayed withdrawals, and poor customer support. But main accusation on Reddit Freewallet reviews is about KYC fraud.

Here is one of the examples in which a victim explains how Freewallet scammers stole coins. They did it under the goose of “verification”… But actually it was a typical scam!

You can find hundreds of complaints in which users ask how to withdraw coins from Freewallet Reddit community knows that this wallet is a scam.

Freewallet scam on Reddit

You might think this is an isolated incident. But in reality there are hundreds of similar cases. It is no coincidence that in some communities (for example, those dedicated to the Monero cryptocurrency) Freewallet is included in the list of fraudulent sites. This is because Freewallet scam on Reddit is mentioned in almost every community.

So that, never download Freewallet! Never use this scam. And if you already did — try to withdraw your assets as soon as possible!

Freewallet org vs Freewallet io: which app is good?

Freewallet is a scam project. If you search for reviews and comments, you will see hundreds of customer complaints about the theft of their assets. But there is an important nuance: 2 different crypto wallets are called Freewallet. And to avoid confusion, we want to add a separate clarification.

Freewallet org is a total scam. The administration of this application blocks customers’ wallets and later steals their coins.

Freewallet io is a completely different product. We are not going to advertise it, but we just want to emphasize: we have not encountered any complaints or accusations of scam against this wallet.

What is Freewallet io

This application is not as famous as MetaMask or Trust Wallet. but Freewallet io has a certain audience of clients. We do not advertise any service, so we will not describe the advantages and disadvantages of this application.

Let us emphasize only one thing. We have not encountered any serious complaints about the wallet from customers. That is, there are certain negative and positive reviews. But when we say that Freewallet is a scam, we mean the actions performed by the developers of Freewallet org, not Freewallet io!

Freewallet org is a scam

First of all check this comment.

As you can see, this is one of the Freewallet org wallet clients. And the person complains that coins have disappeared from his balance. The transaction seems to have evaporated, and support ignores messages, giving template answers. This is a typical situation, and we can give a number of other examples of illegal actions of the administration.

On many forums and services with reviews, Freewallet org is blacklisted. This is due to hundreds of complaints and allegations of asset theft. Basically — according to the scheme known as KYC Fraud.

Freewallet org KYC scam

This method of stealing coins is related to the KYC/AML procedure. As soon as the client receives a large incoming transaction, the administration blocks the withdrawal of coins. The user is asked to undergo verification and confirm his identity. But after this, the support simply ignores the victim. His documents are not considered, and verification is delayed for months or even years. As a result, the victim loses assets.

Look how many complaints and negative reviews have been posted by victims of this type of fraud. According to our data, the administration of Freewallet org has already stolen more than 10,000,000 USDT from clients.

Never use Freewallet org!

We have prepared this material not to advertise Freewallet io or another crypto wallet. Our goal is to alert you to the risk of asset loss. Freewallet org actively promotes itself as a reliable, safe and free crypto wallet. But this is not true. This application simply steals client assets. Don’t become another victim!

Never use Freewallet org crypto wallet! If you already have the bitter experience of losing your savings, tell us about it. Leave reviews on, Reddit and other resources, warn other users! Let’s fight against scammers together!

How Freewallet scammers cheat reviews

Freewallet is an application positioned as a crypto wallet, and at the same time repeatedly mentioned on various resources as a fraudulent project created to steal assets. As soon as users receive an incoming transaction, the administration blocks access to the coins. After which the support ignores the victim’s requests and does not allow him to withdraw his assets.

Hundreds of clients have already become victims of scammers. It would seem that all resources dedicated to reviews of wallets and crypto applications should be littered with complaints and negative reviews. But instead we often see positive comments. Where do they come from, and how does Freewallet manage to attract new victims?

The answer is very simple. Some of the coins stolen from clients go to pay for the services of PR specialists who post flattering reviews and comments.

Fake Freewallet reviews

According to our data, the real owners of Freewallet are two natives of Russia, Dmitry Gunyashov and Vasily Meshcheryakov. And if the first is more of an administrator, then Meshcheryakov is a rather talented marketing and advertising specialist. Thanks to smart media campaigns in his homeland, he managed to obtain government funding for absolutely dubious projects. It is not surprising that the promotion of Freewallet is also successful. As an example, you can consider the reviews on the Capterra com web resource.

Here is a real review left back in 2022 by a victim named Olga. The user says that her coins were blocked. Funds stuck in the wallet, the option to send crypto has been disabled for more than a week. This is how the victim comments on the problem.

But when we go to the Freewallet at page, the first review we see is a completely different text. It colorfully describes all the advantages of this wallet.

A certain Chanaka A. describes in detail how safe, reliable and convenient the Freewallet application is. He describes how convenient it is to have access to hundreds of tokens and coins in one wallet, and how good the design is here. Seeing this description, you involuntarily want to download the application immediately. But before that, think about it. How believable is the story that a REAL customer left such a comment?

 And it’s not even that Freewallet is a fraudulent project. Even if this wallet didn’t steal clients’ assets. Would you or someone you know spend several hours writing and posting a complimentary review of an app?

Of course not. After all, no one will spend their time advertising even a good application for free. 

The conclusion is very simple – this is a custom review paid for by the Freewallet owners themselves.

But the most interesting thing is that on Capterra, such fake complimentary comments are located at the top of the rating. That is, the resource administration clearly acts on the side of the wallet owners, and not the real users. Otherwise, they would at least warn readers about the presence of complaints. From this we can draw a second conclusion: Freewallet owners generously order advertising on “independent” platforms in order to hide negative reviews and raise positive ones in the rankings!

Here is a review from another victim of fraud. Here is a short, but essentially, description of the complaint against the administration. The review is on the last place on the Capterra website.

And here are the top 2 comments on If you don’t read further, you might think that the app is just perfect. This is why beginners often install Freewallet and lose money. They simply have no idea how many people have already left complaints. These complaints are not visible on the websites.

Don’t advertise Freewallet scam! 

With this text we want to address primarily the owners of sites that publish reviews about various applications, including Freewallet. We know that the administration of the wallet generously pays for advertising and tries to convince you of the reliability of the application. But that’s not true. There is a lot of evidence of fraud and asset theft online. Don’t help scammers take your clients’ coins! Do not publish fake custom reviews and do not recommend this wallet to beginners!

Freewallet org is a scam. Step-by-step instructions on how to stop scammers

In various materials on our sites it has been repeatedly explained why Freewallet cannot be considered a wallet, but only a fraudulent application. We have also repeatedly taken action to hold the service administration accountable for the theft of assets. But it makes sense to give users more instructions with different options for active actions against Freewallet.

About Freewallet org

With the rise of cryptocurrency and digital wallets, unsuspecting users are increasingly falling victim to scams and fraudulent activities. One such notorious platform is, which has been identified as a scam. In this article, we will delve into the world of Freewallet scams, providing step-by-step instructions on how to protect yourself from these scammers.

In order not to waste a lot of time, we will suggest looking at this screenshot. The main way Freewallet steals clients’ money is clearly visible here: KYC fraud. The essence of the method is simple. As soon as the client receives an incoming transaction, the administration blocks the ability to withdraw coins. Next, the client is faced with being ignored. And in the end, he loses his savings.

What can you do to protect yourself and others from Freewallet scam? According to our data, more than a thousand users have already experienced theft of assets by the Freewallet org administration. Many have come to terms with the loss of coins. But many people ask what can be done to stop the scammers and get their money back.

Our answer: act!

Choose a Secure Wallet

If you have not yet become a victim of a scam, the best way to keep your assets safe is to not download Freewallet. Don’t expect to be able to withdraw your coins. Don’t believe the advertisements spread by the app owners. Choose any reliable and secure crypto wallet. But not Freewallet org!

Contact Local Authorities

If your coins are blocked and you can’t withdraw them, don’t waste your time. it’s crucial to notify your local law enforcement agency. They have the expertise and resources to investigate these incidents and potentially apprehend the culprits. Provide them with all the relevant information, such as the scammer’s website address, transaction details, and any communication you’ve had with them. Your report could help protect others from falling victim to the same fraud. The list of local authorities is available on our website and could be reached by this link.

Many people ask how to write an appeal correctly. Focus on the nuances of the legislation of your country. But in any case, you need to indicate:

• your name and telephone number, residential address, • the name of the service that stole the money and its domain name (Freewallet org), • the stolen amount (and its equivalent in national currency), • the date of the incident, • a detailed description of the situation.

Be sure to indicate that you are reporting a crime (fraud) and that it is not a simple misunderstanding. You can also add links to our materials so that police officers can assess the scale of the scam.

Report to Online Security Organizations

In addition to local authorities, it’s essential to report the scam to online security organizations. Platforms like the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) and the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) are dedicated to combating cybercrime. By submitting a report, you contribute to their efforts in tracking down scammers and shutting down their operations. We also believe that the Freewallet fraud case falls within the competence of NFIB and its online division ActionFraud. This is due to the fact that the possible founder of the service, Dmitry Gunyashov, allegedly lives or has a communications business in the United Kingdom.

Sign online petition

We created online petition with an appeal to the NFIB to investigate the fraudulent activities of Freewallet owners

In the petition, we call on the NFIB to investigate the actions of the Freewallet administration and protect users who have lost their savings. To date, more than 50 victims have already signed the petition.

Sharing Information with the Crypto Community The crypto community is united against scammers, and sharing information about your experience is an effective way to raise awareness and protect others. Make use of online forums, social media groups, and cryptocurrency-related websites to share your story. By warning fellow users about the fraudsters, you can potentially save someone from falling into the same trap. We recommend this resources:

• Bitcointalk. • Reddit. • Quora. • Bitcoinforum.

But any other forums, communities and publics may be good for sharing your complaints. Do not forget that in addition to warning other users, the fact that you have published numerous complaints may be additional circumstantial evidence that plays in your favor in the event of litigation. In addition, sometimes, seeing the attention of the community, the Freewallet administration returns coins to those who are publicly active. But the main way to get your money back is an official court decision. In this article, we have mentioned most of the tools that you can use to help us in the fight against Freewallet scammers. But the most important of them is an official lawsuit against the scammers.

Freewallet Ethereum wallet: dangerous scam

Ethereum wallet by Freewallet is often chosen by beginners for whom it is important to receive or send cryptocurrency. In addition to ETH, this application is also suitable for other ERC20 tokens. Specifically, Tether (USDT). The project owners lure clients with low fees and a convenient interface, as well as a built-in exchange.

But Freewallet Ethereum wallet is designed to steal assets. You will lose your ETH and USDT due to this app.

Another victim of Freewallet fraud has contacted us.

The woman tried to make a transaction in the amount of 68,000 USDT. But the administration froze the wallet under the pretext of suspicious activity. To return the assets, Elena sent all the required documents. But the wallet remained blocked. If you translate the text of the appeal into English, it will become clear that we are talking about a typical scheme by which the administration steals money: KYC scam.
Ethereum wallet by Freewallet uses this scheme all the time and steals millions this way!

Unfortunately, there are several fraudulent applications from Freewallet on the AppStore. Ethereum wallet is one of the most popular. And we urge everyone who has suffered from the actions of these criminals to contact the AppStore administration with a complaint and demand to remove the fraudulent applications.

But the only way to protect yourself from asset theft is to not use the Freewallet Ethereum wallet. Don’t give your money to these scammers!