Sign a petition to investigate facts of Freewallet fraud

Freewallet scam must be stopped! For this purpose, we created a petition. We appeal to law enforcement agencies (NFIB, FBI) ​​to investigate crimes committed by the owners of the Freewallet org website. The more people sign the petition, the greater the chance that the police will start working. This is the only chance to bring the wallet administration to justice for the theft of assets!

Please, sign our petition now!

Almost 45 people have already left signatures. But in order for the scammers to end up in prison, and the money to return to the wallets of the victims, everyone needs to be active!

Make complaints and abuses

If you search for Freewallet scam or Freewallet reviews, you will see hundreds of negative comments. This is not surprising, because the administration has already robbed thousands of users. But new victims still appear, because for the money stolen from clients, the owners of Freewallet org order a lot of advertising and delete truthful reviews. Take the time to spend a few minutes to add your comment or send abuse to the following resources:

  • AppStore.
  • and ICANN.
  • Reddit.
  • Bitcointalk.
  • Other crypto forums and communities.

No matter how resourceful the Freewallet scammers may seem, their service will cease to exist very soon. The main thing is that every victim is active!


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