Lost money due to Freewallet scam? Contact us!

Thousands of users have already fallen victim to the Freewallet scam. Most often, scammers steal assets under the guise of verification. But sometimes coins disappear due to a technical failure. In any case, the administration of the wallet has been repeatedly accused of stealing assets. If this happens to you, seek our free help or find a legal consultant yourself. In any case, do not let this process take its course!

[email protected]

Write to us and we will help you draw up a competent crime report completely free of charge. We will also provide information support. To defeat Freewallet scammers, you need to make an effort and get them investigated. We hope that this will happen in 2024.

Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to achieve significant results. We have identified persons potentially involved in the creation of Freewallet. But we are still receiving requests from new victims. Therefore, if you do not want to give money to scammers, write and let’s together fight the arbitrariness of the Freewallet org administration.


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