How much money did Freewallet owners steal?

When we created a website aimed against scammers from Freewallet org in August 2023, we approximately estimated the amount of damage at $8 million. This figure was indicated based on a preliminary estimate. When communicating with the press, law enforcement officers and ordinary readers, we sometimes notice distrust in our words. It’s time to prove that Freewallet owners really stole huge sums!

$500,000 at one time

In 2021 a user with the nickname Caliwood decided to download Freewallet crypto wallet. His account was active, everything looked like ok. Caliwood got a payment for selling his program code to a foreign partner for almost $500 000. The transaction was successful, but when the customer decided to withdraw his money, Freewallet wallet blocked his account.

Caliwood asked for support many times. The Freewallet administration made him to proceed verification (KYC). But… It didn’t help. As a victim said: “I already sent them pictures, documents, and videos, and they just request more and more videos of each transaction”.

The original message by the victim was posted in 2021 on one of the biggest crypto forums, Bitcointalk. But even complaining about Freewallet scammers didn’t help. The user lost savings.

Bitcointalk scam accusations

Bitcointalk is one of the oldest crypto forums. On this board you can find traders and investors from all over the world. It is noteworthy that both old-timers and newcomers to this forum clearly came to the conclusion: Freewallet is a scam project!

Here we can mention dozens scam accusations, posted by Bitcointalk users:

  • August, 2018. User named snowjohn tells that Freewallet stole one of his transaction. The loss was almost 3.5 ETH which at that time was equal to $5000.
  • July, 2019. Customer with nickname fuckpay accuses Freewallet app in stealing 15.2 BTC. At that time it was around $75 000.
  • April 08, 2020. Yahya.zzz makes a topic with Freewallet scam accusation. User lost 0.7186 BTC, due to Freewallet KYC scam. 
  • May 16, 2020. User named ferrykyra tells, that Freewallet administration stole $55 000 from his account.

These are the largest (in terms of damage) cases of fraud on the part of Freewallet org. But if you carefully study all the discussions, you can find more than 30 more stories from victims. Thus, on only one Bitcointalk forum we found evidence that the Freewallet administration stole more than $1 million

Why this information is important

A look through the reviews and complaints on one single forum shows that the owners of Freewallet org have stolen millions from their customers. Accordingly, their actions can be qualified as fraud committed on an especially large scale. Based on this, we once again appeal to law enforcement officers: conduct an objective investigation that will bring the creators of this project to justice!

We also ask all the guests of our website to sign a petition. 

Our appeal to NFIB is important because, according to our information, the owner of the project, Dmitry Gunyashov, may live in London. Consequently, the criminal case against Freewallet is also in British jurisdiction.

Freewallet- illegally registered company!

The main topic of this material is Freewallet scam. But in addition to direct evidence (testimonies of victims), there are also indirect arguments in favor of the fact that Freewallet was created for Internet fraud. The wallet website states that the owner is Wallet Services Limited. But as it turned out, the company with that name ceased to exist in 2022. Is Freewallet legit? – No!

One of the reasons why we do not recommend using multi wallet by Freewallet is that the site owners do not have a legally registered company. Moreover, we are convinced that alvin hagg, freewallet co-founder, actually has nothing to do with the management of the project, and the real owners are hiding their identity.
At the same time, from open sources we were able to identify individuals and legal entities possibly involved in the creation of the fraudulent Freewallet crypto scam

Where is the office of Freewallet org?

Look at the photo above. This is what the entrance to the Freewallet org office should look like. To be more precise, the multi wallet by freewallet website states that it belongs to Wallet Services Limited, Hong Kong. It’s adress (Wallet Services Limited Suite A, 21/F, Eton building, 288 Des Voeux Central, Hong Kong) is dhown on the photo.

But in fact, such company does not exist for more than a year. In 2022, Wallet Service Limited (Hong Kong) was dissolved, as indicated on the registrar’s website. From this we can draw a conclusion. Multi Wallet by Freewallet is owned by a defunct company.

In practice, this means that the administration can disappear at any time, and all customers will lose their savings. Finding fake owners will be very difficult.


Is Alvin Hagg a real Freewallet owner?

It has been mentioned in some open resources that this projects real owners are UK residents Dmitrey Gunyashov and Alexey Gunyashov and a guy from Russia named Vasilli Meschyerokov. Some witnesses also mention Andrey Savchenko as one of the investors:

“Looks like this guy has also organized this scam (Freewallet) Dmitreys dad Alexey Gunyashov and Vasilli meschyerokov. I got the info from reviews on trustpilot and socialgrep.” – says one on the Freewallet scam victims on a crypto forum.

Is Freewallet good?

This is another question often asked by new customers. The answer is also “no”. Freewallet is not good. If a number of Reddit reviews looks not enough for you, you may check other resourses.

For example, there are several Facebook groups in which victims discuss how the lost assets due to Freewallet scam. We want to emphasize.

The conversation is not about is freewallet safe or how secure is freewallet. We are talking specifically about accusations of fraud. According to our data, scammers have already stolen more than $8 million from customers.

Let’s stop Freewallet scam!

Most of our website visitors are victims who have already lost money due to Freewallet scam. But no matter your situation, we encourage everyone to join the fight against the demand to hold the Freewallet administration accountable!

You can anonymously report to us about those involved in the Freewallet scam via email [email protected]

Is Freewallet good? No, it’s a scam!

Is Freewallet a good crypto wallet? We can give a clear answer: NO! Because by using this application, you risk losing all your savings. To figure out, is Freewallet good, pay attention to the reviews of those who have already lost their assets because of this wallet!

A feature of blockchain technology is the irreversibility of transactions. Once you have sent coins to another address, there is no way to return them. Unless the recipient agrees to voluntarily forward them to you in case of an error. But there is no technical possibility to cancel the transaction. In some ways, this can be considered an advantage of cryptocurrencies: your transfers are protected from arbitrariness on the part of government agencies. But if the wallet you use belongs to criminals, you will lose your assets and it will be impossible to get them back!

Therefore, to understand is Freewallet a good crypto wallet, ask yourself: can its owners be trusted? The answer is obvious: no, since the owners themselves hide their names and do not have a legally registered business.

Our website already has material proving that Freewallet is not legit. So, is Freewallet good, if you don’t know it’s real CEO and owners?

Is Freewallet safe?

The main disadvantage of custodial applications: the user does not have private keys. He cannot fully manage the assets, since at any moment the administration can steal or freeze them.

But if you want to know if Freewallet is safe, check real customers reviews. You will see dozens of customer complaints about their transactions disappearing, or the security service blocking access to wallets. This has nothing to do with security.

Freewallet owners can steal your coins

There are dozens of victims’ stories on our website. But if you don’t trust our screenshots, you can find confirmation yourself. Type in Google queries is Freewallet good or Is Freewallet safe. You will see for yourself the stories of clients who have lost assets:

  • The administration stole tokens and coins from some victims, transferring them to a third-party address. In response to the request, the support service assured that an error had occurred and the client himself was to blame.
  • The administration also regularly blocks client wallets under the guise of KYC/AML policy. But then support ignores messages until the victim will accept the loss of assets.

Never use Freewallet

For those who still doubt whether Freewallet is good, we will show several reviews from victims. For example, here the client complains that he made 3 transactions to the wallet. None of them have been received, and the support service responds with standard templates.

In this review, the user complains that the administration took too high a commission. But in fact, this is a small thing compared to the outright theft of assets that regularly occurs in the application!

This story is one of the most shocking. The client was raising money for cancer treatment. Although he had all the statements and documents, the administration blocked his wallet without reason. Is Freewallet safe? Sure, not. Because using a safe wallet you will never face freezing of your assets!

On Reddit you can see dozens of stories of those whose coins and tokens were blocked. Website owners ignore customer requests or constantly update their requirements. This situation has led to the fact that today the victims are writing appeals to law enforcement officers, and we are trying to help them return the stolen assets. So if you are wondering Is Freewallet a good crypto wallet, be careful! Choose any other crypto service, but not Freewallet!


Freewallet is neither a safe nor a good wallet. It’s not even legit since Freewallet owners don’t have a legitimate business.

On our website and many forums you can find dozens of stories of clients who have lost their savings. Their transactions mysteriously disappeared, or the administration blocked the wallets for no reason. In addition, users do not have private keys, so the safety of assets is entirely in the hands of the administration.

If you want to know is Freewallet good or is Freewallet a safe wallet, check reviews and find any other service! Don’t let fraudsters to steal your money!