Freewallet: crypto wallet or scam?

Freewallet is included in the list of the most popular cryptocurrency wallets. There are several reasons for this, one of which is the name, which is convenient for attracting customers from search queries. The second is an aggressive advertising campaign. But if you are interested in Freewallet reviews from real customers, you will see that this is a scam!

What is Freewallet

If you go to the main website of the project, Freewallet org, you can see a lot of advertising texts. They claim that this is a multifunctional, convenient and secure crypto wallet. Customers are also offered a built-in exchanger and the ability to send tokens and coins with minimal fees. But let’s look at real Freewallet reviews.

Even a quick search shows that there are a huge number of complaints about this service online. Most often, clients ask for help in unblocking an account: under the guise of verification, the administration freezes assets. In this case, support ignores customer requests or rejects documents. This process can be described as a Freewallet KYC scam.

As for the safety and security of the wallet, this issue is also questionable. We found a lot of reviews in which users complain about transactions deleted from the history. That is, Freewallet simply redirects coins to a third-party address and does it secretly from the client. You can only notice the catch by using a blockchain explorer.

Freewallet owners and companies legal status

Is Freewallet legit? We also found a clear answer to this question: no. According to data from various sources, the real Freewallet owner is a native of Russia, Dmitry Guniashov, who is also associated with the fraudulent service Cryptopay.

In addition, the wallet does not have an official owner. When you search for is Freewallet legit, you may see references to Wallet Services Limited. But in fact, this legal entity ceased to exist in 2022.

Freewallet scam accusations

But the main reason why we ask you not to use the services of this service is the numerous accusations of asset theft.

According to our data, more than 1000 clients have already lost their savings due to the Freewallet scam. On any independent forum or website you can find complaints from victims. Under the guise of KYC, the administration blocks wallets. And an investigation is already underway on this matter: we will seek to bring Freewallet owners to justice for stolen assets!

But the least you can do today is not to become another victim. Never use Freewallet. It’s a scam!

Freewallet owners are truly evil!

Freewallet, Cryptopay, both of this service pay lots of money to advertice themselves. Did you know that these two applications have a few more things in common? First, both Freewallet and Cryptopay steal customers’ money. And the amount of scam is already in the millions of dollars. Secondly, these services apparently have the same owner.

Is Alvin Hagg a real Freewallet owner?

On the official resources of the wallet you can find a number of references to the leader and co-owner of the project. They call him Estonian citizen Alvin Hagg. If you go to the Cryptopay website, it will appear that the project was created by a native of St. Petersburg, Dmitry Gunyashov. But is this true? Before we answer the question, take a look at the typical reviews that customers leave for both apps.

On the left is a complaint about the unreasonable blocking of transactions in Cryptopay. On the right is a comment about Freewallet scam. Similar asset theft scheme!

Another interesting fact: there are a lot of comments on the network in which users question the competence of Alvin Hagg. Especially in terms of managing a cryptocurrency project. We dug a little deeper and found notes that directly stated: the real owners of Freewallet are the same Dmitry Gunyashov, as well as several of his acquaintances!

Who are Dmitry Gunyashov and Vasilii Mesheryakov?

The main website dedicated to the Freewallet scam problem lists an approximate range of suspects.

This includes:

  • Dmitry Gunyashov, possible project leader;
  • Vasily Meshcheryakov, promotion and promotion specialist.
  • Alexey Gunyashov, Dmitry’s brother, was previously involved in promoting Ponzi schemes.
  • In addition, there is a certain Anton Makhno on the list, a possible friend of Gunyashov.

As we can see, there is reason to believe that when talking about Freewallet, we are dealing with a group that hides its involvement in the application from the public.

It is also worth considering that, according to our data, Gunyashov lives in London, and some time ago a company with a name similar to the name of the named owner of the Freewallet org website was created there. Moreover, Gunyashov has repeatedly stated that he was doing business in China, and the Freewallet office address is nominally indicated in Hong Kong (part of China).

And although we have already established that the wallet does not have a legal owner, all this points to Gunyashov’s possible involvement in the Freewallet scam!

Freewallet Bitcoin Gold payments: warning to all customers!

Never try to make a Bitcoin Gold payment via Freewallet. You will lose everything!

Fraudulent owners of Freewallet org steal clients’ money. This happens every time the user receives a transfer and tries to withdraw assets. If you don’t know what Freewallet is, we’ll explain. This is deception and fraud.

Freewallet is scam

If you want to buy and store Bitcoin Gold in your wallet, there are quite a few apps available. It is preferable to use non-custodial services: in this case, the keys will be stored only by you. But our goal is not to advertise any wallet. Just never use Freewallet for Bitcoin Gold payments.

As soon as the user receives the transfer, the wallet administration blocks his account. Most often, scammers use the excuse of “suspicious activity” as an excuse. After which the client is required to provide documents confirming the identity and legality of the origin of the funds. This is just an excuse to block and steal assets. Further, the support service will simply ignore the messages. The administration also rejects documents under various pretexts.

Such comments are usually left by victims of Freewallet scam. Moreover, the administration is trying to remove all negative references to itself. Because of this, new victims appear every day.

Freewallet Bitcoin Gold payments will lead to loss of savings

We can provide other reasons why you should not use Freewallet for Bitcoin Gold payments. For example, the owner of the Freewallet org website does not have any official status. That is, this wallet is not legit. But the main reason why we advise choosing other applications is illegal blocking and asset theft.

Read reviews on independent sites before installing this wallet. Don’t give your money to scammers. Don’t use Freewallet for Bitcoin Gold payments!

Freewallet scammers steal your Christmas!

What do people most often enter into the search bar when they first decide to get Bitcoin or altcoins? Most likely, something like free wallet crypto. So they want to find a digital asset storage app with minimal fees. But there is a significant danger here. If you search for free wallet crypto, Google will most likely direct you to Freewallet org, where you will download a scam app designed to steal assets.

What is Freewallet crypto scam?

“Thanks” to progressive advertising, Freewallet app really seems like an inexpensive and convenient service for storing and sending cryptocurrency. But this is an illusion. In reality, the organizers of the scheme figured out how to steal tokens and coins without risking their freedom.

This method can be called KYC fraud:
1. The user receives a transfer to his Free wallet.

2. The administration immediately blocks the withdrawal of assets.

3. The client is trying to understand what happened.

4. Support replies that due to suspicious activity they had to block the account. But to unfreeze coins you need to go through verification.

5.The client tries to complete KYC, but the administration rejects the documents and ignores the messages.

According to our data, thousands of clients have already become victims of such a deception scheme. So is it worth looking for a free crypto wallet at the risk of giving your savings to scammers? The answer is obvious, no!

These are the reviews you can find by looking at customer opinions. Of course, the administration is trying to hide complaints addressed to them. But it is still obvious that hundreds of people have already become victims of deception.

Most often, Freewallet owners take small amounts, but sometimes victims lose tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars!

These are the warnings left by victims of deception. Unfortunately, when trying to find a Free wallet for crypto payments, users do not always study reviews first. Don’t repeat their mistakes, don’t let Freewallet scammers steal your Christmas savings!

Freewallet exchange: never use it!

Freewallet exchange is a service that allows you to change different crypto currencies. In theory, such an application is very convenient, because you can exchange different digital assets directly in your wallet. But in reality this is a lie. Freewallet crypto wallet blocks customers as soon as they receive the first transaction. After which the withdrawal of coins becomes unavailable.

Look at the situation one of the clients describes in his comment. We see that the user lost money, and the support service did not help in any way to return the assets. But even this is not the main problem for Freewallet exchange users!

Freewallet is using KYC scam to steal assets

As soon as you receive the first transfer, the support service blocks your account under a false pretext. Next, the client is asked to undergo verification. But the support rejects the documents until the victim accepts the losses and gives up further attempts to complete KYC.

Hundreds of clients have already encountered this problem. And most of the victims never received their money.

Comments like these say one thing: Freewallet exchange is a scam. Never use it if you don’t want to give your savings away to scammers!

Freewallet Bytecoin: wrong combination

Freewallet Bytecoin payments attract newcomers with low fees and wallet advertising. Freewallet scammers convince you that their application is convenient, safe and practical. It’s a lie. Freewallet Bytecoin payments are not feasible, because as soon as you try to withdraw assets, the administration will block your account!

Freewallet scammers will steal your Bytecoins and other cryptocurrency.

Acting under the guise of KYC, they cleverly avoid punishment, because it is very difficult to prove fraud. The police most often turn a blind eye to the statements of victims: everything looks like an error in the work of support or a strict verification procedure. But in reality we are talking about purposeful deception!

Freewallet issues occur to often to think that they are accidental. We are confident that this is a deliberate fraud.

Don’t give scammers the opportunity to steal your assets! Do not use Freewallet for Bytecoin or other payments!

A few months ago, we launched an online petition addressed to the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau demanding an investigation into the Freewallet scam. You can sign the petition using this link But even if you are not willing to take the time to help victims of deception, do not help criminals! Do not advertise or promote Freewallet org. And of course, do not install this wallet, otherwise you will lose your savings!

Is Namecheap covering up Freewallet scam? is one of the largest hosting providers and domain name registrars. This company provides really high-quality services, and we would not publish a post that negatively affects the reputation of this service. If not for one problem. We are under the impression that is covering for Freewallet scammers.

Back in August 2023, I sent an abuse to the domain Freewallet org. This domain name was registered by NameCheap. I provided the company with all the evidence that Freewallet is engaged in illegal account blocking and asset theft. Namecheap support left this complaint without consideration. In November-December 2023, other users repeatedly filed similar complaints, but the company also did not satisfy these tickets.

I ended up making a public post on the NameCheap Reddit page. In my review, I asked to reconsider the issue of blocking the Freewallet scammers domain. The post was written in a respectful tone; we emphasize once again that we had no complaints about NameCheap itself. The only thing we need is to block the domain of the site that steals millions from customers! But NameCheap support not only provided the meaningless answer “email the abuse.” But he also deleted the post.

In response, I had to publish another post, which contains links to facts of deception of clients by Freewallet. It seemed that now the administration would react and block the scammers’ site. But instead, the post was immediately deleted. It appears that NameCheap is simply providing cover for criminals. And this is a huge minus for the reputation of such a reputable company.

We had to add a negative review to NameCheap. And this looks very strange, because the few complaints addressed to this registrar are usually published by those clients whose accounts were blocked for illegal actions. That is, in general, the company ensures that services are not provided to fraudsters and criminals. But for some reason, in our situation, we encountered requests being completely ignored. We urge the Namecheap administration not to spoil the reputation of the service and not to help Freewallet scammers!

Warning about delistings and delistings without warnings

We would like to inform you that we intend to delist Enjincoin (ENJ) due to an upcoming swap

This warning appeared the other day on the blog of scammers from Freewallet org. It would seem that such notifications are a good sign indicating that the administration cares about clients.

But in fact, Freewallet warns about minor changes (like delisting little-known coins), and at the same time surprisingly “forgets” to tell users about much more serious innovations.

As an example, you can evaluate a complaint from one of your customers. He deposited coins through the Tron blockchain. The administration blocked the account under the pretext of suspicious activity. But the most interesting thing began later. After viewing the transaction history in the blockchain explorer, the user noticed that the coins from his address had disappeared somewhere. Although the Freewallet window showed the presence of assets, there were none at the address. And this all happened without any notice or warning!

This once again proves: do not believe Freewallet’s words about taking care of customers. They may show it in small things, but only in order to steal a large sum from you later!

Is it possible to return money stolen by scammers?

This question worries Freewallet clients most of all. Indeed, in most cases, the administration blocks the account as soon as the client receives the transfer. Due to the impossibility of withdrawing coins, users first try to negotiate with support, send documents, and ask to unlock the wallet. But at some point, despair sets in and a desire to come to terms with the loss of money. Don’t give in to such emotions! Everyone has a chance to get their assets back!

Seek help from a competent lawyer. 

This is the first step to help you get your money back. Of course, if we are talking about blocked $100, there is no point in spending money on a lawyer. But our team is ready to provide consultation for free! To be able to prove that you are right, you must record all correspondence, transactions, and notifications in the form of screenshots. Freewallet owners are still at large precisely because many victims cannot prove the fact of fraud. It seems to the police and law enforcement that this is a regular dispute with support over trifles, such as poor-quality scans.

In addition to recording evidence, a lawyer will help you correctly draw up a statement of claim. It should consistently indicate the facts from your history: 

  • When you started using the wallet. 
  • What amount was deposited or received? 
  • When did the first problems arise? 
  • How they tried to rectify the situation. 

·         Were there any actions taken by the Freewallet administration aimed at helping the client?

Get crime investigations done

Every case of blocking or theft of assets must be brought to the attention of law enforcement. Many countries offer the option to apply online. But it’s better to spend an extra 30 minutes and send the complaint by mail. In this case, the police will see that we are talking about a crime against a real person. In addition, it is worth seeking the activity of law enforcement officers in similar cases. For example, by signing our petition, you will help draw NFIB’s attention to the criminal activities of Freewallet owners.

Help us to remove Freewallet scam from AppStore

Some time ago, due to numerous complaints, Freewallet was removed from the PlayMarket store. It’s time to do the same in the AppStore. Leave comments describing your stories in reviews of all Freewallet app builds. This will not only alert other potential customers, but will also help get store management to take action.

Share links to our resources with your friends and through social networks. It is important that every member of the crypto community, especially newcomers, understand that Freewallet is scamming customers.

This is also important because by depriving scammers of new money, it will be more difficult for them to pay for the services of lawyers and PR managers who help them avoid liability.

Thus, you see that it is possible to return assets. But for this we need to fight and seek justice. Considering that there are already many victims of the Freewallet scam, even a minimal contribution in the form of a signed petition or a submitted complaint in the AppStore will significantly increase the chance of our victory!

Fraudulent Freewallet wallets: leave complaints on the App Store!

Thousands of crypto traders and investors lose their savings every day due to fraudulent applications. One such service is multi wallet by Freewallet. As soon as the user sends coins to his address, the administration blocks their withdrawal. The victim loses assets and situations like this happen every day. It’s time to stop the Freewallet scam!

We are starting a campaign aimed at removing all Freewallet app builds from the App Store. To do this, everyone who encountered the Freewallet scam needs to send abuses to App Store administration.

Please follow the next algorithm:

  1. Write the text of the complaint indicating how Freewallet app deceives users. You can write your own story, or take our sample
  • Add to your text links to all Freewallet app builds

3. Send abuses to App Store

emails [email protected] and [email protected] (preferably sent to both addresses).

Example of a complaint

Please remove Freewallet crypto wallet app builds from Apple store as those apps help steal clients’ digital assets.

Please note that Freewallet “wallet” was created by scammers to steal user tokens and coins.

Here is a partial list of cases where customers were scammed and their assets stolen:

Project administration:

· Substitutes transactions by sending coins to third-party addresses.

· Blocks wallets under the guise of verification (KYC).

· Ignores the requests of the victims, demands new documents and refuses any assistance.

The victims of the scam have already lost more than $8,000,000.

Since there is information that the creators of the Freewallet project live in the United Kingdom, a few days ago was submitted an official request about the crime to the National Fraud Investigation Bureau.  The request is registered under the number NFRC230806087223.

In addition, there is an online petition calling on the NFIB to conduct a fair investigation:

Therefore, we ask you to help restore justice and protect crypto investors, traders, and ordinary users from fraud:

· Remove Freewallet app from the list of services.

· Add a note that this wallet is accused of fraud.

· Publish the news that the Freewallet administration has been accused of fraud.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation and help!

Freewallet Reddit reviews

Reddit is one of the largest platforms where users can post reviews and participate in discussions. In particular, many communities talk about cryptocurrencies, wallets and digital services. Freewallet on Reddit has earned a reputation as a scam. And it is true. Because the administration of Freewallet org groundlessly blocks client accounts and then steals their assets.

Look at this screenshot. A user published a Freewallet review on Reddit, in which he described how the administration of the wallet stole money raised for cancer treatment.

As a pretext for stealing savings, the scammers used the excuse that the client provided edited photographs of documents. But if you carefully read all the Freewallet Reddit reviews, you will see that there are hundreds of such stories. And in reality we are talking about KYC fraud, that is, the theft of money under the guise of verification!

Freewallet scam on Reddit

You might think this is an isolated incident. But in reality there are hundreds of similar cases. It is no coincidence that in some communities (for example, those dedicated to the M cryptocurrency) Freewallet is included in the list of fraudulent sites. This is because Freewallet scam on Reddit is mentioned in almost every community.

The same situation occurs on other crypto forums. Thousands of people have already lost assets due to the Freewallet KYC scam. Therefore, we urge everyone not to use this wallet. Otherwise, you will become another victim of deception!


We continue the legal fight against the fraudulent Freewallet project. A few days ago we filed a crime report with the National Fraud Intelligence Bureau. Today we sent an additional request to this organization. The text of the appeal can be found below.

Dear NFIB staff!

On August 2, 2023, I filed a complaint about fraud committed by the owners of the website. The appeal was registered under the number NFRC230806087223.In addition to what I mentioned in my appeal, I would like to note:The owners of the site could steal money from a significant number of users. Follow these links for testimonials from victims: some of these people live in the United Kingdom and can confirm my accusations in person.In addition, in order to draw public attention to the fraud, I have created an online petition, available by the link note that this petition is in no way pressure or coercion of the NFIB to take any action, but is only intended to draw the attention of the victims to the opportunity to protect their rights and legitimate interests.In this regard, I ask you to attach this appeal to the materials of the investigation and take this information into account when making decisions on the merits of the appeal NFRC230806087223.

Have you lost money due to Freewallet? Did these scammers block your account or steal your coins? Do not be silent! Submit your request through

Sign the petition at

These actions take a few minutes, but your activity will help bring the scammers to justice.

If you need qualified legal assistance, please contact us:

Email: [email protected]


Evidence of the fraudulent nature of the Freewallet project

There are many complaints in our publications written by people who lost money due to Freewallet. But the reader may wonder whether the mere fact of loss of assets is evidence of fraud. After all (in theory) there are system failures in applications and errors by support staff. But we have facts confirming that Freewallet and its owners are systematically stealing customer assets!

Freewallet KYC scam

This is the most common type of fraud that the wallet administration engages in. On any platform and major crypto forum there are similar stories from victims.

Here is a comment from a user named Dave on the review service. The client complains that he received the transfer, but cannot log into his account. At the same time, the support service constantly changes its requirements and ignores the requests of the victim. It is important to note that writing reviews takes time. It is unlikely that the user would have published such comments on the day of the incident. That is, there is a fact of long-term blocking of assets.

And here is another negative comment, with an almost identical situation. The administration requests documents, the user sends them, but his wallet remains blocked.

On one resource alone (sitejabber), we counted 26 such complaints. Now let’s see what they write about Freewallet on one of the largest forums dedicated to cryptocurrency, Bitcointalk:

  • “When you deposit it all looks OK. I got account suspension after the very first transaction for withdrawing funds to ETH wallet (about $100 value). The system supposed it “suspicious” and they don’t wanna give me any cent back without proper “identification”.
  • “I have same issue with Freewallet, I already sent to them pictures, documents and videos, and they just request more and more videos of each transaction, I have stuck more than 500K I am looking for help, please”.
  • “until now freewallet has not returned my funds, they still hold my funds”.

We found dozens of similar comments written by different users. It becomes obvious that this is not a random, one-time incident. This is a fraudulent scheme that has victimized hundreds, if not thousands, of customers.

Other Freewallet issues

Although the main method used by Freewallet owners is KYC scam, we have also encountered complaints about transactions that suspiciously disappeared from history. That is, the administration simply transferred assets to a third-party address, which is easy to notice in blockchain browsers. But transactions are not displayed in the history of the wallet itself. And support ignores clients’ requests to return money.

This is how one of the authors on the Quora site evaluates the service. But this is only a generalized assessment of the wallet. In fact, under the guise of technical problems, the administration systematically steals clients’ assets.

Freewallet is not legit and its owners hide their names

This is another argument in favor of the fact that Freewallet is deliberately engaged in fraud. The multi wallet by freewallet website states that it belongs to Wallet Services Limited, Hong Kong. It’s address (Wallet Services Limited Suite A, 21/F, Eton building, 288 Des Voeux Central, Hong Kong). But! A simple search reveals that Wallet Services Limited… ceased to exist back in January 2022! That means: today Freewallet has no official owner. In the event of claims, the victims will not even have a person from whom compensation can be demanded. Unfortunately, not all beginners are aware of such nuances, which leads to the theft of coins and tokens from the wallets of gullible users.

In addition, although the official leader and co-founder is Estonian citizen Alvin Hagg, there is evidence online that Russian residents Dmitry Guniashov and Vasily Meshcheriakov are involved in the project.

According to our data, the service was founded by Russian citizen Dmitry Gunyashov. A native of St. Petersburg as of 2022, was registered in Russia, at the address St. Petersburg, Engelsa Avenue, building 111, apartment 516. At the same time, on Gunyashov’s Facebook page it is indicated that he lives in Portugal, and his business connections lead to London, where the Cryptopay office is located at 8 Devonshire Square. Despite this, Gunyashov still uses the Russian phone +79219965549 for communication.

All together, these facts create a complete picture of what is happening: the administration of Freewallet org is deliberately engaged in fraud, that is, it steals user assets under the guise of technical failures or the KYC procedure. In addition, wallet owners hide their names and provide information about a non-existent company in order to convince victims that they are dealing with a legitimate service.

Freewallet: who is behind the biggest cryptocurrency scam of 2023?

Cryptopay and Freewallet are two of the largest fraudulent projects on the cryptocurrency market. And as it turned out, the same people are behind both services. Today we will tell you about the owners and managers of two of the most notorious cryptocurrency scams of 2023.

Dmitry Gunyashov

The first person worth mentioning on our list is Dmitry Andreevich Gunyashov. This man was born in 1988 in St. Petersburg (at that time Leningrad), where he is registered to this day. However, on Dmitry’s official Facebook page it is indicated that he lives in the capital of Portugal, Lisbon. At the same time, Dmitry does not hide his affiliation with the top management of Cryptopay. Both the official documents of the service and its personal pages indicate that Gunyashov is the co-founder and head of Cryptopay. As for Freewallet, there are no such mentions in the public space. But we will talk about this aspect a little later.

In addition to Cryptopay and Freewallet, Gunyashov can be associated with two more projects, although not cryptocurrency ones:

  • Online store selling iPhones in St. Petersburg. Founded in 2012. He worked for several months, because Gunyashov obviously realized that he couldn’t make a business out of retail sales of smartphones. Then he began working on his cryptocurrency projects.
  • Foundation for the Development of Russian Martial Arts. In this organization, Dmitry is not listed as a founder or leader, and most likely did not take a significant part in the activities. But Gunyashov’s cell phone is still listed in the contact list of the “Martial Arts Center” financed by the foundation.

As we can see, Dmitry does not have any solid background that would allow him to become the head of one of the leading crypto projects. He did not distinguish himself either in the field of IT or in the field of finance. Why did Gunyashov manage to get thousands of clients for his applications and websites?

The answer is simple: Gunyashov created a kind of financial pyramid in which old victims “pay” for attracting new ones. Moreover, unlike conditional MMMs and other “classic” scams, neither Freewallet nor Cryptopay give even a hint of the risk of losing money. The scheme is quite simple, but very effective:

  • The client creates an account (Freewallet wallet or account on the Cryptopay exchange).
  • He deposits money into the balance (tokens, coins, and in the case of an exchange, fiat).
  • Under the pretext of a technical failure or as part of the KYC policy, the victim’s account is blocked. Moreover, from the very beginning the user does not have private keys, so the user cannot withdraw assets.
  • Some of the victims’ money is appropriated by scammers, and some is used for aggressive marketing promotion of the wallet and exchange.

Both Freewallet org and Cryptopay have extremely bad reputations in the crypto community.

Vasily Meshcheryakov

Like Gunyashov, Vasily Vyacheslavovich Meshcheryakov was born in Leningrad. This happened in 1984. Like Gunyashov, Meshcheryakov has no “history”. Vasily did not publish any information about his education or information about any successful startups.

However, according to information from open sources, it is not difficult to understand what role Meshcheryakov plays in the group of fraudulent owners of Freewallet and Cryptopay.

Back in 2016, Vasily became the founder of a telegram channel and blog dedicated to video games. The ability to work with a young, computer-savvy audience helped Vasily think through the concept of “promoting” Freewallet and Cryptopay. So today it is he who is responsible in the company for PR and media promotion of the fraudulent schemes created by Gunyashov.

Other personalities

If we talk about Freewallet, the official co-founder and project manager is Estonian citizen Alvin Hagg. But on a number of resources, Freewallet victims have repeatedly wondered why Mr. Hagg himself shied away from public events, although it would seem that the leader of such a project should have participated as actively as possible in conferences and seminars. According to commentators, the reason may be trivial – Alvin does not understand IT, and only serves as a nominal director. Therefore, in order not to demonstrate the incompetence of the “leader,” posts are published on websites and pages in his name. But the “founder” of Freewallet himself avoids publicity.

In addition, other people may be involved in the activities of CryptoPay and Freewallet.

Alexey Gunyashov

Brother of Dmitry Gunyashov. This guy doesn’t have much commercial talent. The maximum in which he showed himself was in advertising dubious investment projects reminiscent of a financial pyramid, only a very primitive one. For example, in 2020, he invited clients to invest money in the Integrity Farm project, related to growing plants in vertical farms. Gunyashov could not offer anything other than promises of great prospects and income, so most likely, if there were investments in such a pyramid, their amount would not be comparable to the losses from the activities of Freewallet and Cryptopay.

Anton Makhno

This man often pops up in photographs and discussions of Gunyashov. But there are no publicly available materials where Makhno advertises fraudulent services. Therefore, Anton’s affiliation with Freewallet and Cryptopay is still in doubt.

Based on this, we can say confidently:

  • Dmitry Gunyashov is not only the owner of the fraudulent exchange Cryptopay, but also the real founder (or co-founder) of the Freewallet project.
  • Vasily Meshcheryakov (possibly together with his wife Natalya Ogneva) is engaged in marketing promotion of projects. In addition, Meshcheryakov also has a personal business aimed at audiences from Russia.
  • Alvin Hagg, Alexey Gunyashov, Anton Makhno and other people may be involved in fraudulent activities. In particular, Hagg, being the nominal leader of Freewallet, is certainly responsible for the theft of client assets. But in order to identify all those involved, it is necessary to conduct an investigation, since only the enormity of the scams under the names Freewallet and Cryptopay is obvious from open sources.